Do I need an Esthetician or Cosmetology license to take a course?

Some courses require additional licensing. All of our Cosmetic Tattooing courses do not require prior experience or licensing. Skincare and Lash courses will require proof of a valid Esthetician, Cosmetology or Nursing license.

Can I take a class if I’m still in Esthetician/Cosmetology school?

Yes! You can take a course if you’re in school. You must provide valid proof of enrollment.

How do I get registered for class(es)?

You can start by submitting a deposit for the class(es) you would like to take. Once you submit your deposit or full tuition, someone from our Admissions team will reach out to you within 24 - 48 hours of receipt.

What’s next after I submit my deposit?

After we receive your deposit, our Admissions team will reach out to you with additional details about your class. Full tuition will be due 14 days before your requested class date(s). The deposit will lock you into the current course price. Until tuition is paid in full, the requested class date(s) may vary. Deposits are valid for up to one year from the date of submission.

How do I apply for financing?

Contact our Admissions team to apply for financial aid. Long and short term payment options are available for any budget. Third party financing is subject to credit approval. Once approved, you’ll get the funds for class within 72 hours!

Do I need a model for class?

Yes! You will be responsible for providing your own model(s) for class. If you are coming from out of state, please notify Admissions immediately. Plush Beauty Academy will only provide model(s) for students with valid proof of out of state residency.

How many students will be in my class?

Class sizes remain small, but vary. There is a 4 - 6 student max per class.

What should I bring to class?

We will provide all class materials. Class will include a workbook & pen, product starter kit and hands on supplies for the model(s)

Is there a dress code?

Yes! Please wear all black business casual attire. You may be filmed during class.

Will lunch be provided?

We provide lunch on the last day of each masterclass. During this time you can connect with the Instructor, network with the other students and ask questions. Light refreshments and snacks will be available. We are located in Downtown Bexley with plenty of food options within walking distance.

Where do I park?

Parking is available in the parking lot located directly in front of the door along with additional parking behind the building and on the street.

When will I get my certificate?

You will be presented with your certificate after completion of your LIVE model(s). Your certificate will allow you to start taking clients right away!

Where do I purchase products after class?

You can purchase certain supplies directly through our website. If there are products we dont retail, we will provide you with a resource where you can purchase what you need. Your class will provide you with a full product list.

How soon should I start charging for my service(s)?

We encourage our students to start practicing asap! Learning a new skill takes time and lots of practice. We offer Alumni’s access to our Academy after training, so you can come back and continue practicing with models hands on. You can even request for an Instructor to shadow your service(s).

How much should I charge my clients after class?

Depending on your skill level, the rate will vary. You’ll learn exactly how much to charge your clients when starting out and how to gradually increase your pricing in class!

How do I use my discount code for a class?

Once you select the course you want to take, add it to your cart. Once in the cart, head to the check out screen where you can submit your code. Please Note: Discount codes are only valid on the ‘Full Tuition’ payment type.

Tuition Payment Policy

Any remaining balance for a course must be paid 7 days before the date of the class. No payments are accepted on the day of the class unless previously approved by Plush Beauty LLC. Please be sure to check the date of your class, you may only change the date ONCE before losing your deposit. This change must be made at least 14 days prior to your class. All no-shows may result in loss of the full amount or deposit paid for the class. The remaining balance cannot be refunded, however you may use it towards another class. Only one discount can be applied to tuition, DISCOUNTS CAN NOT BE COMBINED.

We do not offer full refunds on any classes, but students who cancel their class in less than 48 hours of their first payment may qualify for a partial refund in the form of academy credit. There is no refund offered for classes canceled after 72 hours. Deposits are non refundable. Until tuition is paid in full, the requested class date may vary.

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